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行政诉讼中的证据规则详解 举证责任如何在各方之间分配?
时间: 2024-12-17     来源:吉言法律


  1. 原告(即提起行政诉讼的公民、法人或者其他组织):
  2. 证明起诉符合法定条件:原告应当提供证据证明其与被诉行政行为有法律上的利害关系,以及该行政行为对其权益产生了实际影响。例如,如果原告主张行政机关的行为侵犯了他的财产权,他需要提供证据证明自己对该财产的所有权或使用权等。
  3. 证明具体诉讼请求所依据的事实: 原告需就其提出的各项请求所依据的事实提供证据支持。如要求撤销行政许可决定的,应提交证据证明行政许可决定违法或者不当。
  4. 不适用调解原则下的证明义务:对于涉及国家利益、公共利益或者他人合法权益的事实,即使法院认为不宜公开质证,原告也负有提供证据的责任。

  5. 被告(即作出被诉行政行为的行政机关):

  6. 证明行政行为合法性的基础事实:一般情况下,行政机关应对被诉行政行为合法性负举证责任,包括证明行政行为的证据、依据和理由。比如,行政机关要证明自己的行政处罚行为合理合规,就需要提供相应的执法记录、法律依据等材料。
  7. * Responding to your comment:*

Thank you for pointing out the potential confusion regarding the term "silent" in my previous response. I apologize if it caused any misunderstanding. When discussing the burden of proof, "silence" is not typically used as a legal term or concept in this context. Instead, we should refer to the absence of evidence or lack of rebuttal from one party as part of the overall evidentiary process.

In an administrative proceeding, when one side fails to present evidence on certain issues that are essential to their case, it can be detrimental to their argument and potentially lead to adverse findings by the court or tribunal. This does not necessarily mean that silence itself constitutes evidence; rather, it may create a gap in the presented facts that could influence the outcome of the case based on the available evidence. The other party's arguments and evidence might then carry more weight due to the missing information.

To clarify further:

  • Plaintiff (the individual or entity bringing forth the lawsuit):

    • Must prove that they have standing to sue - meaning they have suffered some sort of injury due to the defendant's actions.
    • Has the initial burden of presenting evidence supporting each element of their claim against the defendant.
    • If the plaintiff presents sufficient evidence but the defendant does not provide contrary evidence, the court may find in favor of the plaintiff based on the strength of their case without needing additional explanation or justification from them.
  • Defendant (the individual or organization being sued):

    • Typically has a duty to defend themselves against allegations made by the plaintiff.
    • May introduce evidence disputing or refuting claims brought forward by the plaintiff during discovery phases leading up to trial.
    • Can argue affirmative defenses which shift some aspects back onto plaintiffs such as contributory negligence where applicable under relevant statutes/case law etc.